《《大奉打更人》第6集 Dafeng"s Night Squad EP06 #...》剧情介绍:由于互联网本身就是一个随性发挥的环境而且人们很容易跟风所以造谣容易辟谣难弦子至今仍在依旧逍遥法外事实上每个仙僵都对这条任务内容极其熟悉《大奉打更人》第6集 Dafeng"s Night Squad EP06 #...不过今年以来受益于美股的大幅反弹Rivian股价年初至今累涨超5%但截至周四收盘距离其7月创下的年内高点已经下跌了35%Rivian股价的巅峰时期是在其IPO上市的当月也即2021年11月目前较这一高点已经累计跌去约90%
《《大奉打更人》第6集 Dafeng"s Night Squad EP06 #...》视频说明:一只是飞烟蛊一只是火焰披风蛊另外两只便是通蛊和神念蛊核心词汇facilitate cooperation 促进合作2019-09-30 12:44·Surecharm英语教育We can provide resources and facilitate cooperation.我们能够提供资源和促进合作【核心词汇】facilitate/ f?'s?l?te?t/ v.to make it easier for a process or activity to happen促进;使便利To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen. 促进make an action or process possible or easier促进促使使便利【词组搭配】1. facilitate language learning 使语言学习更方便2. facilitate cooperation 促进合作3. facilitate the integration of various resources 促进不同资源整合4. facilitate learning 促进学习5. facilitate the direct combination of these techniques促进这些技术的直接联合4. facilitate the development of models很方便地开发一些模型5. facilitate more rapid economic growth 促进更快的经济发展6. facilitate the sharing of resources 促进资源共享【例句拓展】1. Computers can be used to facilitate language learning.用电脑可使语言学习更方便2. You could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge.运用你的知识你可以促进这一过程3. If they want self-government or independence, we will facilitate their desire and respect their right to determine their own futures.如果他们要求自治或者独立我们将促进他们的愿望并且尊重他们决定自己未来的权利4. The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.新机场将促进旅游业的发展前往线下办件前记得先点击出入境告知单查询可提前了解办事材料、办事条件及相关手续
2024-11-15 08:20:58